Thriving Cultures

Turning moments into movements in your organisation

Leaders frequently face the challenge of mobilising teams towards swift and effective change, battling against a tide of inertia and indifference. This keynote cuts to the core of how to turn moments into movements to ignite a collective drive for progress around new culture initiatives.
So, if you're a leadership team that wants to improve the well-being, work performance, or sense of belonging among your employees with a framework that will help turn moments into movements, then this keynote or workshop is for you. 

Behavioural Change - Culture - Leadership -

Behavioural Change - Culture - Leadership -

What your leadership team will learn:

5 Impact Persona’s

Understand the strategies around my 5 impact persona’s that will see your movement thrive.

Understanding where resilience starts

Unpack the psychological and organisational barriers to proactive action..

Building a resilient community

Cultivate a collaborative environment where collective effort and innovation pave the way for positive, lasting change.

Strategies for change

Learn to preempt challenges, fostering a culture that eagerly anticipates and addresses issues.

Empowering proactive leadership

Equip yourself with the tools to inspire and sustain momentum in your team or organisation

Key Details

  • This keynote is preferably delivered in person, however can be delivered virtually

  • 60 minutes (50 minute presentation with 10 minute question time)

    • 30 minute pre session meeting

    • 60 minute keynote

    • Post session ‘takeaway’ document

  • Yes this keynote can be offered as a workshop. During the workshop we will unpack the one key behavioural change you are looking to implement.

“A moment recognised is the beginning; a movement realised is the triumph. Between the two lies our ability to fill the gap”

Luke Cook